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  • Guns become eye candy

    I think this bug has to do with the desync issues the server faced on 01/04/2025. So in elysium i can see a base at v13 from my little island and it vanished (or went invisible)  for me yesterday while i was coming back from a roam. So i went to investigate it and flew my mini over and the base was there i could walk up to it and it was there just not visually so i turned around and my minicopter vanished as well. Went in to the help in the discord and Cartmon said it was a desync issue so i did what he suggested which was to Suicide>Disconnect>then respawn> and finally hit revive and it should be fixed. This indeed fixed it but what ended up happening was the guns in my backpack inventory literally became eye candy so to speak. They couldn't be used, or ammo unloaded. I could put them in my hot-bar but when i go to wield it you can't. I lost an sks, an m4, and two or three of the rank one smg's (the low damage pistol bullet one) due to this unforseen error.

    Attached is the evidence of this bug I pulled the weapons out of the backpack prior to taking the screenshot and recording the clip. I also want to point out that none of my other weapons were effected. Just the weapons that had rounds loaded in the weapon that we're in the backpack when i did the suicide relog and respawn fix. Also removed the Mag Extension to see if that would fix it and that did nothing. I can put the Mag Extension on other weapons not in the backpack and the gun will work fine.


    Server: Elysium

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    Suicide>Disconnect>then respawn> and finally hit revive and it should be fixed.

    Did you revive or respawn?

    The issues are fixed with

    Using revive, having everything re quipped as if you didn't die won't fix the issue.



    I hit respawn, woke up on the beach. However the revive was somewhat visible on the bottom of my screen so I proceeded to hit that and it revived me in my base. 

    Suicide>Disconnect>Reconnect>Respawn>but since it was there on the screen after I respawned i revived. 



    I hit respawn, woke up on the beach. However the revive was somewhat visible on the bottom of my screen so I proceeded to hit that and it revived me in my base. 

    Suicide>Disconnect>Reconnect>Respawn>but since it was there on the screen after I respawned i revived. 

    As a heads up I will post a recording with the steps taken. 



    Not sure why it only clipped me respawning on the beach the whole process was under 2 minutes. So here it is i went into console did the f1 kill then dc'd, reconnected as you can see in the video and i respawned on the beach, and the last thing of interest is that revive button in the bottom of the screen.

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    Pending = We are still working on this report.

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    Closed = Feedback or opinion better posted on our forum for discussion. Also for reports we cannot reproduce or need more information. In this case just add a comment and we will review it again.

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