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  • Red wall of error text on pumpjack pick up or looking at.

    • Pending

    Have had a few players on us scourge get red wall text and crash to desktop (BM records it as a steam auth error.) When they walked near and/or attempt (fail or succeed) to hit up a pumpjack they placed.
    One player tried over and over with same result until they looked a different away from pumpjack but were close enough to salvage hammer it, got red wall text and kicked but got it in their inventory. (possibly unrelated they had placed the pj while using a different pc)
    from their output_log
    The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '<null>') is missing!
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

    [ line -956766584]

    The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing!
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

    [ line -956766424]

    The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '<null>') is missing!
    UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Transform, Boolean)
    UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(T, Transform, Boolean)
    PrefabPreProcess:Process(String, GameObject)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

    [ line -956766632]

    The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'effect - FXAA') is missing!
    UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Transform, Boolean)
    UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(T, Transform, Boolean)
    PrefabPreProcess:Process(String, GameObject)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

    [ line -956765576]

    The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'effect - FXAA') is missing!
    UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Transform, Boolean)
    UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(T, Transform, Boolean)
    PrefabPreProcess:Process(String, GameObject)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

    [ line -956765512]

    Priority: Medium Server: Scourge

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    • Staff

    i need help im stuck crashing everytime i load in i think its cause im close to a pumpjack @US Scourage just need to be moved???


    f10 (bottem middle by the rock formation) us scourge has a spot that causes a crash if anyone gets to close to it. 1 other player said same thing happened to them there. there is a small base right next to it not sure if thats whats causing it or the something else

    [they'd walk past a pumpjack on the way/direction before the rocks. on salvage hammering pj they got red wall of error text.]

    People crash badly that they can't log in and need to be moved so they can move again.

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  • Status Definitions

    Pending = We are still working on this report.

    Working = The issue is currently being looked into by a developer.

    Fixed = The issue has been fixed and the resolution will be available in the next version.

    Released = The fix has been released and is now live.

    Closed = Feedback or opinion better posted on our forum for discussion. Also for reports we cannot reproduce or need more information. In this case just add a comment and we will review it again.

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