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     PJ shut down  occurs  when it is loaded with fuel and started,  the first slot it takes fuel from is the only one  it recognizes, once that fuel slot is lower than PJ level  it does not read the other fuel slots and just shuts off.

    Server: Scourge

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    Same issue on US Elysium. PJ's will go through max 10k LGF and then not advance to the other stacks that are also in the input area causing it to just shut down completely.



    WIth the current update the pj's are still stopping after using the first slot of fuel and not reading the other slots 




    As per the latest commit for Pj fix there is a loss of 1 lgf per 2.5 min as i have tested using a level 20 Pj. They do how ever continue after the first fuel slot is used and move to the next slot fine. The loos is significantly better than losing 1 lgf per tick. Thanks for the hard work. @Death

    • Staff


    silver196543 — Today at 12:08
    if any one is interested, problem with PJ's are still ongoing with some players on US Scourge,  i ran 3 different 10k stacks today with lvl10 pj, 1st stack only got 9278 crude, 2nd stack got 9424 crude, final stack only got 9048 crude, and this is from a problem that we are told that has been fixed, lol



    This is the out come after 60K fuel  ran  with only 313 gone out of an inventory. I would say they are back to normal.





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