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  3. I would agree with this, conveyors are not pulling at vanilla rates but much slower. having stacks of 10000 only moving every 10 seconds while everything else is half that rate tends to make everything back up and adding more conveyors to don't help the servers performance.
  4. Yesterday
  5. I don't know what happend today, but just seen some massages about compains from discord. Strange because i didn't use discord for more than a month. So I think some one got into my discord, even with the authenticator active on it. Last week my Steam today discord. Ok What gone be next? At least sorry if some people got offended or there are some posting out of my name. So I logged of all devices on discord and put on a new password, I hope that keep them out of my account. Sorry again for the trouble.
  6. Cheers, thanks Scotty!
  7. It was a mistake by the auto ban feature, you're unbanned now
  8. Server: US Pure Handle: screenpeek Ban Reason: Racism Time: ~9:40am Pacific About 10-15 mins ago I was banned for racism. The last thing I typed right before I was banned was "hope you get m2/l9" after conceding my heli dmg to someone else. Not if if I typo'd or what I could have typo'd that would trigger a ban (it seemed automatic as it banned me immediately after I hit enter sending the message. If that message/communication that triggered the ban, please let me know which communication did.
  9. After running some tests on my systems for conveyors i have noticed that my recyclers and such are pulling 32 items per pull even though it should be pulling 60 items per stack every 5 seconds, normally i run a 15 Conveyor, 7 Combiner and 7 splitter set up, but after noticing that they were backing up i have increased my numbers to 60 conveyors, even after doubling my set up the system struggles to keep up with pulling items. After watching and testing the pulling rate is when i noticed its pulling maybe half of what its supposed to and the intervals its pulling in are slower too. Going by the picture posted it should pull 60 items per stack every 5 seconds.
  10. Last week
  11. Could you please put the dreamworks fishing guy on the moon?
  12. Edit this is supposed to be on the (US) scourge sever
  13. The tick and the transport amount is off on industrial conveyors. I used to be able to keep up with the recycler using 12 conveyors for metal frags and 12 for gunpowder, now using the same setup I cant even get them to keep up using 3 times the amount of conveyors and it is still over filling if i mass run smokes. So recyclers are useless until this is fixed.
  14. Thanks for responding, @a 3/0 sc lauan. Is there any other possible way I can receive an unban in the future or anything? This has just been my favorite server and I spent a lot of time playing on it the past few months. And I also noticed other players have been given 4 warnings which in that case would be fair that I at least got one more chance especially since I haven't had any issues in the past 3 months. I just would really love to play on this server again but anyways thanks for taking the time to respond to my appeal I hope we can come to some sort of agreement.
  15. hello @MightyQbertand thank you for participating in the appeals process! We appreciate your honesty in regard to your appeal, and the circumstances surrounding your actions. While i believe you may have been joking in this instance, after you left the base, you did enter i also watched yourself and your teammate continue to attempt to code lock raid neighboring bases. The last warning you were sent only 3 months ago, you were specifically warned by that admin against entering other players bases without their permission, and that any further infractions would result in a ban. Given the amount of times you've been spoken to about the rules in such a short amount of time, and the apparent lack of behavior change during the course of that timeframe the ban will not be lifted at this time. We wish you the best in finding a server that better suits your playstyle! -A3
  16. Hello A3, I just wanted to at least try to appeal for this so uh, the first two things I definitely have no excuse for I shouldn't be looking in other peoples boxes or taking other people's stuff. But for this more recent infraction that I was banned for I wanna at least explain it a little. My friend frogger somehow got the code to that base and we decided to just goof around a bit we didn't wanna do anything harmful just do some stupid stuff so we set up a camera and took a bunch a pictures of the owner sleeping since we thought that was just kind of a harmless funny thing to do. We later realized it was a bad idea and wrong so we undid all the stuff we had done removed the camera took away the pictures and yeah. I know this behavior isn't really justifiable I just want it to be known I didn't mean to cause harm in my head it was all just supposed to be a harmless joke. I really hope to be able to play on this server again its the most fun I've had playing Rust since I just could never play pvp since it requires so much time and patience. I hope to come to an agreement and thank you for reading this if you do, thank you and have a good one.
  17. MomentsclipfromMar182025.mp4
  18. have this issue daily. have some vid MomentsclipfromMar182025.mp4 eo of it
  19. Offender: MightyQbert Battlemetrics | Steam Server: US Pure Time: 5:47PM EST Length: Permanent Reason: Base Griefing More Info (Optional): on 9/10/24 MightyQbert was warned for stealing items from another players large furnace. Included in the warning our policy on theft was outlined as well as letting the player know to type /rules in chat to bring up the server rules to prevent further infractions of this nature. on 12/14/24 MightyQbert's name was found on the logs of containers within a players base who accidentally left their door open, and items were reported missing. Another console warning was sent outlining our rules regarding stealing as well as to caution them specifically about entering another players base without permission as that's also against the rules. Mighty was again urged to type /rules in chat to become familiar with the server rules. on 3/16 I noticed some players entering another players base who is typically a solo player, and began to observe MightyQbert and their teammate entering and leaving the players base numerous times. They left a significant amount of notes and pictures on the players inventory as well as authorized on the players TC to set up a camera within the players base to watch them. The next evening Mighty and their teammate returned to the players base to remove the pictures/notes as well as the camera equipment and de-auth on the TC. I caught up with the owner of the base today and after speaking with them they informed me nobody was provided the codes to their base, TC, or boxes, and nobody was authorized to place electrical equipment within the base. Given MightyQberts history of rule violations, including theft and entering players bases via exploit, a permanent ban was placed on their account to prevent them from continuing to have a negative effect on players within our community.
  20. hello @Pong and thank you for participating in the appeals process! Looking at your history on our server, you've been with us for seven months, with this ban incident constituting your fourth stealing infraction. While we are generally forgiving, as many players aren't accustomed to a PVE environment on a PVP game, you've already been given the benefit of the doubt and one extra strike beyond where players would normally receive their first ban. In addition, the fact that the warnings and eventual ban were for the same infraction (stealing) every single time leads me to doubt significantly, the sincerity of this appeal. Players are responsible for the security of and what happens on their account, and that remains true while sober, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as well as leaving it accessible to others while AFK. at this time the ban will not be lifted. We wish you the best in finding a server that better suits your style of play! -A3
  21. @Chinaski Based on the screenshot you provided, I can see a possible reason for the issue. To help us investigate further, could you let us know if this is happening with a specific entity type or multiple types?
  22. We’ve actually gone ahead and increased the flower stack size to 500, which should help with inventory space after a harvest. This is still being monitored and will continue to adjust as needed to maintain balance.
  23. Thanks! We’re currently monitoring the system closely and keeping an eye on how things are balancing within the economy. We understand the need for larger stack sizes for honey and appreciate your input. Any potential changes will be carefully considered to ensure they don’t disrupt the overall balance.
  24. Elixil3

    Tugboat drops

    Add Unicorns.. and yes I agree the other vehicles are in the market so these should be too
  25. Changed Server to Survival
  26. Hello RustEZ, I am here to apologize for what I have done on the US Pure server, it has come to my attention that my mistakes have caught up with me and I'm deeply embarrassed, I have changed my ways and stopped stealing once I had hit a few warnings but last night I went out to drink with my friends and well... I came home drunk and out of my mind and went on a rampage in the PVE server. I assume that is why I have been banned so I would politely like to request an unban and if I ever do anything against the rules again you can ban me right away, and to make sure I never make this happen again I have attached a note to my monitor as seen in the files below. Just wanted to add I'm really sorry for looking in so many boxes I do this a lot because of my ADHD and I get way to curious I haven't taken any items in the past few wipes and I know there's no way to prove that but I'll make sure to avoid all boxes and objects that aren't mine no matter how strong my ADHD urges are. I hope you understand and please forgive me for my terrible crimes and give me one last chance. Thank you.
  27. Offender: steez (BattleMetrics) (Steam) Server: AU SCOURGE Time: 17 Mar 2025 23:31 Length: 7 Days Reason: Player Disrespect
  28. Offender: SaltyNut (BattleMetrics) (Steam) Server: AU SCOURGE Time: 17 Mar 2025 23:31 Length: 7 Days Reason: Player Disrespect
  29. Offender: Pong Battlemetrics | Steam Server: US Pure Time: 4:39 AM EST Length: Permanent Reason: Stealing More Info (Optional): on 9/10/24 Pong was console warned after stealing from another players large furnace. The warning explained our rules regarding stealing as well as urged Pong to type /rules in chat to bring up the server rules and prevent any further infractions. on 10/4/24 Pong was found to have accessed a base that was either damaged by themselves, or by patrol heli, and removed the locks off the base owners vehicles and looted what they were able to access from the base. Pong was warned a second time that stealing was against the server rules and that further infractions of this nature could result in a ban from our server. on 3/10 Pong was found on the logs of a players fridges with items reported missing. A final warning was sent to Pong notifying them that any further infractions of this nature will result in a ban from our server. on 3/17 While investigating another theft, i found Pongs name on the logs of containers within another players base. Given their history of theft during their time with us, and Pong's continued refusal to heed the server rules in regard to stealing, a permanent ban was placed on their account.
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