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BANNED EU Pure: Levels ╾━╤デ╦︻

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Offender: Levels ╾━╤デ╦︻ (steam) (battlemetrics)

Server: EU Pure
Time: 4:14pm  GMT+1

Lenght: Permanent

Reason: Raiding, Stealing and attempted Griefing.

More proof available on request.

Info: Player was caught looting several victims, when asked about rules he claims he understood them. His base was put on lockdown. Next day he logged in and started despawning everything in the base then suicided. He respawned on the beach. After a few minutes i checked out what he was doing again finding him flying a minicopter and crashing into bases, attempting to destroy them. When he entered a base i intervened to ask what he was doing, blocking his escape route, he suicided. When he respawned i teleported him to a detention cell as he refused to communicate, where he instantly suicided again. He respawned yet again, this time outside a players base, knocked on the door, ran in (owner opened to see what it was about) and looted a sleeping player at which point he was teleported to me once more. He started shooting me with the gear he had just looted and logged off as he realised he had the suicide cooldown. While this was happening i was called for in chat claiming someone was hacking, i joined the victim on discord and he explains what had happened, allowing me to return the stolen items to the owner and calm the victim explaining about teleporting the Suspect to me (clarifying that it wasn't someone hacking).unknown.pngunknown.pngunknown.png

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