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Banned EU Pure: toledito5

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Offender: https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/players/511624908
Server: EU Pure
Time: 21:25
Length: Permanent 
Reason: Entered a base with a door that was open, proceeded to empty the base out and then hide the loot through stashes and small 1x1 and 2x1 huts scattered in the nearby area to the victim base.
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8:55 PM

toledito5: lo tengo escon dido ben - Translated to "I have it hidden ben" ---- which is when I logged on to investigate more possible hidden loot areas.

Player then stood next to the 1x1 after telling a neutral player he would return the items, in which he returned 3100 scrap but not the rest. 

Loot i could instantly retrieve from the player from 1 1x1


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