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Banned EU Pure: Moon_Fox and Zaya

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Offender: https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/players/559875002 and https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/players/926482010
Server: EU Pure
Time: 22:30 GMT
Length: Permanent 
Reason: Another player announced on wipe day he was going to do Cargo, within seconds of it spawning it and flew across the map. Then MoonFox and a compatriot boarded it too. Player exchanged in russian and my russian isnt too good, but was able to work out pretty quickly that Moon_Fox was also throwing a lot of insults at the player who had called that he wanted to take cargo.
Moon_fox had been warned numerous times before by me and other admins about toxcicity and griefing.

Zaya was then also banned for toxicity in voice chat


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