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US Pure Ban - emjoesm

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Offender: emjoesm BM: https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/players/977428770  Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198178808579
Server: US Pure
Time: 6:09pm
Length: Perm
Reason: Player Harassment
More Info (Optional): This player was witnessed harassing another player, I stayed monitoring it about 15 secs of continued knocking and VC reeee. Upon becoming visible this player did the "rust greeting bow" and acknowledged the rules after I verbally told them there was no harassing other players and that he should continue on his gameplay leaving this player alone. He started to leave and I went invis and watched..soon as he I did he peeked around the corner and proceeded to harass the player again stating in Gen chat to let him in an open the door. Showing no remorse or regard for the server and impeding the gameplay of another this resulted in his ban.



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