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US Pure Ban - Beton

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Offender: Beton         Battlemetrics          Steam Profile
Server: US Pure
Time: 12:13am (est)
Length: Permanent
Reason: Player Harassment/Base Raiding

More Info (Optional):I verbally spoke to this player after I was called over by a player who reported items stolen from his base. Beton and team live very close to the base/player they raided/griefed. When I confronted Beton I explained our server rules about entering base through base exploits and explained they cannot enter players bases without consent and taking items that didnt belong to them from players and bases is considered raiding/stealing/griefing and all 3 are against the servers rules and a bannable offence.

Two hours later Beton and a team mate were harassing and stealing from another group of players. They were attempting to get into the base and pumpjack area and refused to leave when asked by the players/base owners.

They were strictly informed actions like this will result in a permanent ban from out servers If they stole or harassed anyone else on the server as I made it very clear now that this game style is not funny. It is not a joking matter. I am very serious and will remove them if they persist.

I was called over to a players base that Beton stole from originally. Beton left a note and signed it with a teammates name. Not only did they leave a note they stole a large number of items and resources once again from the same player and players base..making it not only just a theft but harassment. The note and contents of the note was left in retaliation of reporting the theft to an admin.

A permanent ban was placed implemented. I gave Beton numerous chances to correct his behavior they have shown time and time again that they have no regard for our rules, our community or other players. 









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I appreciate your compliment but unfortunately your ban will remain in place.

Regardless if you were in fact intoxicated I gave you numerous chances and you had ample time to adjust your gameplay and play in accordance with the servers rules and policies.

You chose to ignore all verbal and console warnings as well as multiple PSA's. You went a step further to harass a player you already stole and griefed from.

Your actions and gameplay have consequences.

I wish you all the best and truly hope you and your team find a server that better fits your game style and humor.

- Northstarz

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