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Since we've been dealing with a large amount of theft lately on US Pure, I wanted to make a step-by-step guide on securing your pumpjack!

It's important to remember that you must fully construct/upgrade/place any additional items before placing your pumpjack. Otherwise you will need to pick it back up (with a salvaged hammer) place/upgrade whatever you forgot, and replace the pumpjack.

Note: My structures exampled below have openings for visual purposes only. When building your structure, make sure it is fully enclosed.


Step 1: Build the main structure. If you prefer to be able to walk to both containers in the same structure, you're going to want to build a 7 long by 5 wide by 3 tall structure, make sure you leave out the very middle foundation.

If you would like a minimalist approach, you can build a 5 long by 3 wide by 2 tall structure, leaving out the middle foundation. With the minimalist approach, you will need one door on either side of the structure, rather than a single door. Also, if you follow the minimalist approach, make sure the foundations are raised from the ground, this will give you room to go through the doors once your pumpjack is placed.

Roomy structure:


Minimalist structure:



Step 2:  Once you've twigged your structure, place your tool cupboard, lock it, place a door(s) and lock it, and upgrade your structure to the desired materials of construction.



Step 3: Now that the structure has been fully upgraded and all other deployables have been placed, you can now place your pumpjack.




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