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EU Scourge Banned シュガー

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Offender: シュガー Battlemetrics Steam
Server: EU Scourge 
Time: 22:07 BST
Length: Perm
Reason: Stealing
More Info (Optional): Player first attempted to steal a horse from another player that had rounded up some zombies for them, they came back after travelling only a short distance to loot the corpses of the zombies. The original owner of the horse was then able to get back on while the player was looting. The player then tricked the owner into getting back off the horse before jumping on it and riding off again. At this point the player was issued their first warning.
The player went on to laugh about the warning in chat and stated they intend to break more rules before leaving.
Just a couple minutes later the player stole another horse from a different player while they were farming a node and began to ride away.
At this time a ban was issued as the player showed a complete disregard for server rules and their fellow players.

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