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US Pure Ban - Totally_Not_Ukrainian_wrx

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Offender: Totally_Not_Ukrainian_wrx      battlemetrics      Steam Profile
Server: US Pure
Time: 8:30pm est
Length: Permanent
Reason: Griefing
More Info (Optional): Player was warned and spoken to on numerous occasions in regards to griefing and harassing players and bases.

Totally_Not_Ukrainian_wrx was well aware of the rules about griefing, taking over bases and removing bases.

I spoke to Totally_Not_Ukrainian_wrx about him removing a players base and he said they were all in a team to which I informed him that I know that was not true. 
He said he was aware of the rule after being reminded that we have spoken at length about this very thing in the past.

I was going to give him another chance when I noticed he authed on another players TC and was removing that base as well.

He called me over and asked me if I knew of another server that is the same as this one but with less rules. He said he didnt think he could follow that many rules. He was informed that there are plenty of different servers and we do not promote other servers or communities. I wished him the best of luck and hoped he found a server better suited to his play style.

Player Banned for griefing after numerous warnings and chances, verbal talks and guidance in game from myself and the admin team.







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