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TL;DR: 32 Composters for 2 power. No splitters. No combiners. Includes auto pickle distribution and fert collection.

In case you missed it, an FP change to the industrial piping in the 2.0 (March) update drastically affected daisy-chaining. Last wipe, containers that were attached via d-c would all fill simultaneously; now, as of the most recent update, the second or next container in line after the first will not start to fill until the one before it has become full.

For composters, this poses a problem. Most ppl seem to have adapted via what was to be my backup plan, modularly going:

[dropbox->  [splitters], w/ each output node terminating in:    (node)  ->  [(1) conveyor->  [(1or4) splitters->  [(3 or 9) composters]

...The annoying part being, you'd then have to do the reverse process on the output side of each composter's storage adapter for collecting fert.

Finally feeling better from being sick the past 2 weeks and I wanted to take one last swing at the new conveyor settings before settling for the splitter/combiner/tons-of-conveyors method (above).

Needed to make sure (1) there wasn't a way to filter all but 1 fert to be left alone in each composter during a d-c, and (2) that being possible, that the system wouldn't see the only 11/12 slots full of pickles (per the conveyor's filter) as not being full and prevent the next container in the d-c from starting to fill. Turns out, didn't even need to mess with the buffer setting at all. It's super simple. I did test and - although the input is incredibly slow once it's moved past the first container in a line - once full, an entire daisy-chain of 32 composters will be able to keep up with itself. 

🤯 🥳   🥒🥒🥒🥒  🤑  💸💸💸  💰💰💰💰

Here's the basic module. Enjoy!


Settings for the two conveyors on either side of the daisy-chained composters:

  1. The one directly before should be set to pickles with no values entered in any of the three fields:  (max:  -    , buffer:  -   , min:  -   )
  2. The conveyor directly after a daisy-chain sequence should filter for fert and have its minimum set to 1:  (max:  -   , buffer:  -   , min:  1   )

*Note* (light purple in diagram): this intermediate conveyor and box is probably redundant, but I will be keeping this buffer between the drop box and d-chain until (if/when) over-large stacks from NPCs auto split into normal max stack sizes again. I did not have a good experience trusting over-large stack sizes to just drop them into pipe systems when that first started happening. It gives me peace-of-mind to have the stacks auto reducing down to 50 before they enter the composter lines.

Edit: Forgot to mention something key - you do have to preload 1 fert per composter. Also, b/c the fill rate is so slow, I do recommend doing the initial bulk filling by hand.

Edited by YetiBacklash
forgot to mention preloading
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