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banned for Racism

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I was just now banned for racism. I really liked to play on the server and i was trying to get a laugh out of my friend before he got off. I was told by a admin (Peach) to stop its against the rules and I did but i still got perm banned. I was banned bby Thaddy187. There is no rules stating that its not allowed i even did /rules and looked at the rules even tho there was only a few.


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Thank you for appealing,

   I'm Thaddy187 the Head admin on US Survival where you were banned. Peach is our newest admin and is currently in training. She is to de-escalate issues and report them to us to be handled. She did exactly that. This is why there was a delay in what you did and receiving the consequences of your actions.

The image used in the Fireworks that you spammed is not acceptable on our servers under any circumstances. You claim you did this to get a laugh out of your friend. Thinking that this is funny shows that you would not be a good fit in the Rustez Community.

You said you looked over /rules and did not see it. This would fall under Rule #2 "No mic or chat spam, player disrespect, racism or harassment."

This is plainly stated on the server's loading screen before you enter and also when you type /rules in game.

Additionally, this is also stated on Facepunch's Terms of Service. 

Here are resources that you can explore to learn more:


The Bias Barrier

Anti-Racism Glossary


Anti-Racism Resources



The ban will not be lifted.

We wish you the best of luck in finding a community that more aligns to your play style.


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Its rust what do you expect. I was messing around after i got bored. Ive only joined the server a few days ago and I would like to be in the community because i really liked playing on the server like i said. Cant you just give me another chance?

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"It's rust what do you expect" is not an excuse to get away with Hate Imagery on a server that does not allow it. You say you got bored on the server after 2 days of play time. Sounds like you really do need another community that meets your playstyle.

The ban will not be lifted.

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