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US Pure Ban - 狗很好吃 & 洛博佐

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Offender: 狗很好吃  battlemetrics   Steam Profile    &  洛博佐   battlemetrics   Steam Profile
Server: US Pure
Time: 3:15pm Est  &  3:13pm Est
Length: Permanent 
Reason: Harassment
More Info (Optional): Both players were taking loot from scientists they did not participate in killing. They were harassing player(s) by making noises and screaming through VC. 
I attempted to verbally warn them but they were not interested in listening to me instead they were making noises in VC so a kick from server was put in place for both players with instruction to read rules before rejoining. 
Upon rejoining both players continued to harass the same player. A console warning was issued informing them that harassing, stealing and griefing are all against the rules and bannable offences. Players were urged to type /rules in chat for rules they have to abide by to avoid future warnings/ban. Players both continued to follow and harass the player impacting and impeding their gameplay.
A permanent ban was issued to both player for continued harassments.

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