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Banned: [MC LEADER] ☆Mob☆

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Time: 7:10 PM PST

Length: Permanent

Reason: Raiding/Looting

More Info: Earlier today ScootDog teleported to a player who claimed they were trying to get into their own code locks. ScootDog confirmed that it wasn't their base and asked if they had stolen anything, the player declined having stolen and ScootDog let him off with a warning. I noticed later on that the player had attempted to twig raid into another player's base, which you'll see in screenshot's below. We continued to monitor the player and saw no suspicious activity. Majestic logged on this evening to confirm our concerns, that they had indeed been robbed and that the thief had lied about it to us. Given that they lied, this shows to me that they are not sorry and are therefore removed from our servers.



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