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Qyburn Banned - [JP] Pure

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Offender: Qyburn (BattleMetrics) (Steam)
Server: [JP] Pure
Time: 9:15PM AEST
Length: Permanent
Reason: Raiding
More Info: Player was evidenced on several containers in bases belonging to other players. Approximately 56 ladders were found on bases throughout the map that were used to gain access. After admin attempted to discuss this with the player, they feigned communication issues and disconnected from the server. A warning was issued that the player accepted when logging in shortly afterwards.

They were seen roaming the map on foot with the following inventory items:


They were also evidenced laddering into another player's base, as well as looting a sleeping player in a monument.

The ban has been placed against this player as they have demonstrated a complete lack of remorse and a willingness to continue breaking rules on the server.

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