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[EU] Pure Ban - outRAGE

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Offender: outRAGE battlemetrics steam
Server: EU Pure
Time: 01/07.2024 18:14 gmt +1
Length: Perm
Reason: Griefing
More Info :

outRAGE got kicked for stealing on the 19.06. by Fly. He came back and got warned for stealing, looting, griefing with the rules attached. Yesterday he recieved another warning for laddering on multiple bases by me. Today we found a trapbase which caused a death of a player, who was not able to retrieve his loot. Therefor I file the ban for severe griefing because that trapbase showed the intentions of that player regarding the time and effort he put into it252490_20240701172730_1.thumb.png.8b82059ddde57cb612f50f9193db81d5.png252490_20240701172508_1.thumb.png.1da12f2d6c76c95e82d02a98703063f3.png252490_20240701172730_1.thumb.png.8b82059ddde57cb612f50f9193db81d5.png252490_20240701172928_1.thumb.png.3c4aa4b0573656d1bee88ad2dbd0e4fd.png.






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