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Banned [EU] Pure Arnold Schwarzenegger

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Offender: Arnold Schwarzenegger Steam Battlemetrics
Server: [EU] Pure
Time: 15.07.2024 23:05
Length: Perm
Reason: Stealing in multiple instances
More Info: player picked up a backpack of a dead player laughed in my face when confronted and stated "finders keepers"

i asked the victim for the contents of sayd backpack with like a signature item . when i checked the lootlogs of his dead body i saw the offender checked his body so i went to open his inventory and compare the contents of the backpack with the description of the victim.

i let him go with a formal warning via f1grafik.png.41b4e8825fcda4a96c784a99b8cf26bb.png


player continued playing and eventually arrived at Storage vaults where he saw a player taking bradley and used the opportunity to steal his attackhelicopter.  Admin vorlon was called over  and did not find the loot of a player reported stolen from storage vaults. out of curiosity i teleported to owneditems by the player to check if they got a base and ended up on a stash placed by the offender stashed an m249 matching skin got reported and a ton of ammo. in his inv we found meds and tactical gloves also reported stolen from sayd body. taking his record in consideration wich had already a warning of the 2nd of june of me on it for stealing i filed the ban for stealing again. player showed no interrest to join the community or following the rules.










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