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US Pure ban- Mussarelo

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Offender: Mussarelo     Battlemetrics | Steam
Server: US Pure
Time: 11:36PM EST
Length: Permanent
Reason: Stealing and griefing
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on 4/17 Mussarelo was warned in english and spanish after it was discovered they had twigged onto another players base.  The warning notified Mussarelo that player and base griefing are against the server rules and that they should type /rules in chat to bring up the server rules and become familiar with them. 

on 7/12 Mussarelo was again warned in english and spanish after they were found to have laddered onto a neighbor's base as well as twigged onto other bases in the area.  A quick investigation also found that Mussarelo had been entering neighbors bases and accessing numerous containers within these bases.  Again, the warning notified Mussarelo that raiding, stealing, player, and base griefing were against server rules and that they should type /rules into chat to bring up the server rules and become familiar with them as any further infractions of this nature could result in a ban from RustEZ servers.  

Tonight, a different investigation led me to many more containers with logs on them from Mussarelo.  Given their short time on the server, and history of repeatedly ignoring our server rules, a ban was placed on Mussarelo's account to prevent any further impact on the community from their actions.  

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