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I got banned for having a sign up when no warning came up when i got on she said i had 24 hours to remove it and it hasnt i just read the warning on the ban

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They have been harrassing me since the situation started i put that up 3 days ago and just got on today and no warning popped up on my screen so i didnt even know i was warned neither did i get a dm about having it removed the sexist comments wasnt sexist comments i was just saying her lesbian wife keeps harrassing me in my dms


Screenshot 2024-07-20 230326.png

Screenshot 2024-07-20 212909.png

Edited by RipRin
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  • Staff

Thank you for your ban appeal.

You did not get banned just for your signs harassing your past teammates. you were given ample opportunity to read and adhere to the servers rules. I have spoke with you numerous times this wipe telling you that your actions were unacceptable, and any continued harassment would lead to being banned.  Your actions on the server have been unacceptable and do not follow the rules we have set for our community. 

Anything unrelated to the server is not monitored by us nor taken into account, only actions that occur on the server.

Even though this may have been out of character for you, we simply cannot allow exceptions to our zero tolerance rules as that would give the impression we condone such behavior, which we clearly do not.

I'm very sorry this outcome is not what you were hoping for. We do not make these decisions lightly and hope this will be a learning experience moving forward.

The ban will not be lifted.

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