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Dude, Where's My Car? Helicopter?

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We've all been there. Fly to a monument, get sidetracked, teleport somewhere else and then realize you don't have your flare in your inventory. Time to buy another? But you can only do that once, because of the limits (which I agree with).

I propose a "last parked" location be added to the map for vehicles purchased through the Black Market. Maybe even snowmobiles or motorbikes (I somehow lost a motorbike for an hour after repairing it). Maybe even the EZ store sedans (though I've seen fewer of them).

And, of course, this would be amazing for the modular cars. You can't lose campers very easily if you have your respawn set to one of the beds, but the other mods are easy to lose. I think it would make sense for this to only be for cars that you've coded into or even just the last modular car you were driving. 

I know it's a big ask to enhance player maps, and tracking modular cars seems like it would be a nightmare. However, I'm suggesting the moon and would just be happy with a pebble. The instant pickup of bikes and snowmobiles is already great!

Edited by Theodore Baggins
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