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US Pure Ban - rusty

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Offender: rusty     Battle Metrics     Steam Profile
Server: US Pure
Time: 7:56 pm Est
Length: Permanent
Reason: Stealing
More Info (Optional): rusty joined our server and immediately said "yo these admins kinda mid ngl like they be abusing power" They were informed that this was their first time on our server and to please type /rules in chat.
Player started to scream in VC and troll Gen chat was kicked with instruction to read the rules before rejoining. Their friend was also trolling and doing the same things.
Player was also sent a console warning urging them to type /rules in chat to avoid future warnings or possible server ban should their toxic gameplay continue.
Player was muted upon returning to avoid further chat and VC disruptions and another warning was issued informing them of the reason.
Player then stole from 2 players dumping items on the ground to despawn.
Given the very short time on our servers and infractions in that time a ban was issued for stealing. BM has been updated with each infraction.



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