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Banned [EU] Pure Delpover

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Offender: Delpover Steam  Battlemetrics
Server: [EU]Pure
Time: 12:25 AM
 Length: Perm
Reason: Stealing griefing and player disrespect
 The Player joined and immediatly asked if hes able to place ladders on players bases. 

some time later i got called to a player wich was really upset someone added twig to his furnace space in his base. i removed the twig made screenshots and mooved on since its a first time offender and i didnt made the link in my head about the question being in relation to the offender.  i  sent an F1 with the rules and returned to my dutys

half an hour later i found more twig of the offender recently placed after i sent him the f1.  i checked his bm and saw hes a german like i am , and hes still online. so i teleported to him and checked on him to talk to him on his native language. i found him in banditcamp at the fetilizer trader. since i was curious how many he has in his posession, i checked his inv and saw like 3k fertilizer wich were obviously stolen from another player. when confronted, he turned toxic and stated " Ifound this in a bodybag"  i stated that this would be still considered stealing and confiscated the fertilizer to return it later when its getting reported missing .


i told him to pull up /rules via chat. few minutes later he sayd "the admin is  such a C*nt" and "go die in hell" on german.  also he called me a spastic what shows the intollerance towards diabled people. the players  wich understood this were shocked. he dropped everything and logged of naked      i filed the ban before i went to bed to prevent him  joining back on our servers and causing more disruption to the community





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