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US Pure ban- точно девушка!!

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Offender:  точно девушка!!   Battlemetrics | Steam
Server: US Pure
Time: 12:13AM EST
Length: Permanent
Reason: Stealing and griefing
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on 2/23 while investigating a theft report, точно showed on the logs of the players sleeper with items reported missing.  точно was warned in English and Russian at that time that stealing is not allowed on our server and that they should type /rules in chat to bring up and become familiar with the server rules. 

on 9/5 While patrolling the map, I found a base that had been twigged onto by точно without the base owner's permission.  I removed the twig from the base and sent точно another warning in English and Russian notifying them that player and/or base griefing, including twigging onto other players bases was against the rules and that they should use /rules in chat to become familiar with the server rules as any further infractions could result in a ban from our server.  

on 9/6 While watching точно after they logged in to the server, I witnessed them enter a player's base, authorize on their TC, and access whatever storage containers weren't locked.  Given their two prior warnings for attempting to access other players belongings, including the last one only a day ago, it was decided to place a ban on точно's account to avoid any other players being impacted by точно's toxic gameplay.  

Screenshot 2024-09-05 035539.png

Screenshot 2024-09-06 231532.png

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