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US Pure Ban - johnplays42

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Offender: johnplays42      Battle Metrics      Steam Profile
Server: US Pure
Time: 6:50 AM Eastern
Length: Permanent
Reason: Griefing/Harassment
More Info (Optional): I was alerted to johnplays42 griefing of a team and their base.
After watching the players interactions with the players he was griefing, johnplays42 was kicked with instructions to read the rules before rejoining and was relocated to our Hobo Hotel.

johnplays42 was also sent a console warning informing him that raiding, stealing, harassing and griefing of players, bases, deployables and modes of transport are all against the rules and bannable offences. They were encouraged to type /rules in chat to avoid future warnings or possible server ban should they continue to break the rules.

johnplays42 logged back in returning to the base and players he was griefing. 

Owners/Team of the build requested he leave. johnplays42 refused.

johnplays42 has completely taken over the teams base locking the TC, building around the owners sleeping bags so they could not get out and securing the base and the bases perimeter with walls in order to lock the owners in/out.

johnplays42 was given every opportunity to be a rule abiding member of our community.

Given johnplays42 blatant disregard for the server rules and the progression of the players he was harassing and base he was griefing.

A permanent ban was issued for his continued harassment and griefing of the team and their base.








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