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US Pure Ban - | 1161 | TheFreak

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Offender: | 1161 | TheFreak     Battle Metrics     Steam Profile
Server: US Pure
Time: 11:23 AM Eastern
Length: Permanent
Reason: Griefing & Raiding
More Info (Optional): Player was first warned earlier today (11/11/2024) for twigging onto a players base (griefing) and raiding. 

I was alerted to | 1161 | TheFreak who was currently twigging into a players base. They accessed the players TC in front of them and proceeded to place a lock on the TC
| 1161 | TheFreak was asked to stop and leave by the owner and ignored the player. 
| 1161 | TheFreak started to build on and around the players build locking them out of the base.

| 1161 | TheFreak disregarded his earlier warning and chance given. They chose to disrupt the gameplay of others by raiding and griefing that player giving no regard to how their actions impacted and impeded that player.

A ban was placed to ensure they would not be able to grief, harass and raid other members of our rule abiding community.









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