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US Pure ban- Jose Nogueira [PTY]

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Offender: Jose Nogueira [PTY]   Battlemetrics | Steam
Server: US Pure
Time: 12:21PM EST
Length: Permanent
Reason: Stealing 
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on 11/10 Jose was found to have stolen another players minicopter as soon as they landed it, and left the area. The responding admin found Jose in possession of the mini, and secured it to return the heli to it's rightful owner.  Jose was warned that stealing, including players modes of transportation is against the server rules and that they should type /rules in chat to become familiar with the server rules. 

on 11/11 while observing another player, i watched Jose fly in on a mini and steal that players personal supply drop.  The items were removed from Jose's inventory and returned to their owner.  Once again Jose was sent a warning notifying them that stealing including other players personal supply drops is against the server rules and that they should type /rules into chat to bring up the server rules to prevent further infractions and/or being banned on our servers. 

on 11/12 While assisting another player with items stolen from their corpse, i watched Jose fly in on their mini and loot a different players corpse at Dome.  

Jose has been given ample opportunity to be a rule abiding member of the rust EZ community and has continued to steal from other players trying to enjoy and/or learn the game.  Given their short time on our server, and the frequency of infractions, a permanent ban has been placed on Jose's account.  

Screenshot 2024-11-12 112358.png

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