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US Pure Ban - Re:creators

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Offender: Re:creators     Battle Metrics     Steam Profile
Server: US Pure
Time: 11:35pm Eastern
Length: Permanent
Reason: Stealing
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On 06/16/2024 Re:creators entered and stole from a players base.

On 11/08/2024 Re:creators stole from a monument they did not participate in also stealing from the dead players inventory who did do all of the work.
At that time the following warning was issued:  "Stealing raiding and griefing is against the server rules. you came to oil, looted scientists you haven't killed, robbed a player corpse. the items were found in your base. this is your last and final warning regarding stealing. any further violations of the server rules will lead to you being removed from the community. please type /rules and have a close read if you want to prevent this"

Tonight while a player was racing back to L. Oil for their body bag and items it was found that numerous items were stolen from it with lower tiered items left behind. After checking the logs it was found that Re:creators was the only name on the players bag. The items that were reported stolen were found within the players base.

Re:creators was given a prior warnings and chances across a couple of our RustEZ servers.

Re:creators last warning was detailed and informative to ensure the player understood that what they did was against the rules and should they do it again they will be removed from our RustEZ community.

Re:creators was given ample opportunity to be a rule abiding member of our RustEZ community with the chance to play on more than one of our RustEZ servers as a rule abiding and valued player; Instead Re:creators made the choice to steal from another player resulting in a ban for stealing from our servers.



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