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US Pure Ban - LUNTIK

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Offender: LUNTIK     Battle Metrics     Steam Profile
Server: US Pure
Time: 3:46PM Eastern
Length: Permanent
Reason: Griefing
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LUNTIK was first kicked with instruction to read the rules before rejoining when I saw then inside of a players base they twigged into.
They were also sent a warning in Russian and English informing them that stealing, raiding and griefing are all against the rules that includes building onto a players build and taking items without permission.

LUNTIK logged back onto the server and after receiving their warning immediately went to another base, twigged onto it and was gaining entry when I placed their ban.

LUNTIK in the very short time they were on our server has griefed and raided 4+ bases. They have shown a complete disregard for other players progression on our server. They were given an opportunity to adhere to the server rules and continue to play here but chose to continue to grief and steal. 

Due to the short time on our server and the even shorter time between their warning and next infraction a ban for griefing was placed to ensure that the gameplay of others are no longer affected by LUNTIK gameplay on our server.

More logs available upon request.






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