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US Pure ban- joyeux

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Offender: joyeux     Battlemetrics | Steam
Server: US Pure 
Time:  10:56PM EST 
Length: 7 Days
Reason: Stealing and griefing 
More Info (Optional): 

on 12/29/2021 joyeux was found on the logs of a player with items reported missing.  a warning was sent notifying joyeux of our policy regarding theft as well as a reminder to type /rules in chat to bring up the server rules and become familiar with them. 

on 1/17/2022 joyeux was again found on the logs of a players corpse with items that had been stolen.  another warning was sent notifying them of the rules on our server, as well as a reminder to use /rules in chat.  

on 1/7/2025 a player reported their base was demolished and all of their items stolen.  Upon investigation, i found that joyeux had both accessed all of the players vending machines, and was in possession of the items reported missing (a significant amount of wallpaper in amounts ranging from 19 to 30 per design).  It was also noted that joyeux was killed by patrol heli just minutes before they accessed all of the vending machines stolen from.  

Given the repeated instances of theft from joyeux, as well as the escalating severity of how they're accessing other players items, and the effect it's having on the gameplay of others, a 7 day ban was placed on their account.  The 7 day ban afford joyeux some leniency given the age of their prior two warnings.  

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joyeux 4.png


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