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KACII Banned US Pure

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Offender: Eric Cartman Steam ID  BM ID

Server: US Pure
Time: 2/9/2025  2:03PM 
Length: Permanent
Reason: Stealing 

More Information:

Player was first warned on 11/9/24 after their name was found on another players TC in a base that had been griefed and raided. They were informed that raiding, stealing and griefing are all against the rules and they were advised to review the server rules to prevent future issues.

They were warned again on 11/23/24 after their name was found throughout another players base and character who had been missing items. 

Today another player logged in an reported items missing. Upon investigation KACII's name was once again found on the other person's boxes and character. This player has had multiple chances to abide by the server rules and chose to continue stealing from other players. A ban has been issued to prevent further disruption to the community.



i admit to looking in boxes and inventories but dont think ive taken anything that wasnt in a box that i thought was free items sitting outside of a base. i now understand that i shouldnt even do that even if not taking anything. just doesnt look good if my name keeps showing up on people that have had things stolen. i understand if you choose not to unban me but know i do enjoy the server and if yall choose to give me another chance i wont bother looking in inventories and boxes that are not mine AT ALL. i do appreciate the work yall put in to keep things civil and players items safe

  • Staff

Hello @KACII_KC, thank you for taking the time to submit an appeal.

The boxes that were looted from were not sitting outside of the players base, but on their base's foundation where they had yet to enclose them. Additionally, there was no signage or any indication that items from either of the boxes nor players character were free for the taking.

With your second warning from 11/23/24, you were advised that you were on your final opportunity for the server and to reach out to an admin if you had any questions. Furthermore, admins are constantly talking in chat about how players should not access anything that doesn't belong to them, even if it's with the intention of just looking or to give them items since it logs their information on the player/deployable. This was most recently discussed last night in global chat when you were online. Given that information along with the two warnings specifically for stealing, I am not willing to lift the ban at this time.

If you'd like to take some time to reflect on this and submit another appeal in a few months, we can re-evaluate the ban pending the appeal made.




i believe i know the base your talking about and i did look in the boxes and the player...i dont think i took anything but whether i did or not i shouldnt have been looking. i understand why ive been banned and will learn from this. thanks for your time and i will try and appeal in a couple months

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