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Posts posted by Khaelum

  1. 14 hours ago, laffett said:

    I am highly offended every day and told to just get over it by people like you. Is this just going to be a one way street where you get your desires catered to and I'm told to fuck off?

    Look, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, you can't just strike down everything. You gotta have some thick skin.

    Speaking as someone who literally has a traumatic brain damage from the military and suffers debilitating mental effects from said injury, as possibly one of the very few here that "should be offended by the word" This whole thing is fucking retarded.

    I appreciate your service to our country, but you don't get a pass nor are you the final authority on a word because you suffered a brain injury in the military. Together, if we can help rid our community of hate speech and derogatory behavior, why wouldn't we? Do you condone or even prefer toxic environments?

    The 'r' word in question is viewed as demeaning and insulting. Plain and simple. There are many other words in our language that are no longer acceptable.

    Are you going to try to justify the use of the 'n' word or 'f' words too? 

    Times change, words die. Let it go.



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