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Posts posted by Chicago

  1. Maybe a better approach to this issue is having heli spawn closer to signal thrown. The 6-7 times a wipe I toss them, more then half get diverted and stolen by a group on other side of map because it spawned closer to them then me. Is there anyway to force it to spawn in on the same grid it’s called from?  @Death

  2. Within first week of wipe, wood selling out at reset again. People selling wood 25-50 scrap per 1k. Still can’t figure out how we can’t instance the outpost or limit peoples purchasing ability. Oh and for insight this is on US scourge server. The same server that’s supposed to be harder and more engaged. Twig and wood bases litter the map, twig and wood shops litter the map. People running 20 plus shops with 10 windmills. Random wood towers 30 floors high with no purpose other than lagging people flying near them. The admins can only enforce the influence of the current rule streak which helps for the most part. God knows minty and rosemary are overworked with the flow of complaints and trolls running through the scourge. Update rules a bit to help influence people to avoid building mega wood and twig structures and perhaps limit team sizes since it’s a pve and it’s already easy enough solo. 

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  3. Make stick bases incredibly hard to maintain material wise. We all know if you want a base on a decay server you actually need to mine for the upkeep. Too many bases just twig foundations and walls taking up vast real estate on the US scourge server. Caves, occupied  by stick foundations, sleeping bag and tc. I’ve stumbled across 3 out of 7 caves that people actually built in. The other 4 occupied by tc and foundations. Make it expensive to leave twig structures all across the server. It’s bad enough having 5-6 day players dump stone 2x1s everywhere that decay after a week. Either up the wood and twig cost to maintain or have admins clear areas that are idle, not players, but their random foundations and tcs claiming areas they never end up building in. 

  4. Hello, I have been playing over a few of the servers in recent months, and I have been noticing a trend more and more recently. We all know how it is to get trolls on the servers who ask multiple questions and make jokes about the community. That is fine, as the community for the most part is awesome. My problem would be the handful of players such as Ramlander on US Scourge server who think it’s fun to bait people into using offensive racial slurs. The fact that people will say these things to hurt people is bad enough, but having people like him in the server making it into a joke/game to get people to say these things is disturbing. 

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