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Clover Ocean

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Posts posted by Clover Ocean

  1. Hello all you scourgey money makers!

    Like many of yourselves, I sometimes find myself excessively abusing the teleport to home system.
    Or crashing multiple mini-copters, or lazily buying a salvage hammer at the start of the month..........
    My wallet has recently found itself in dire need of replenishing to continue this extravagant lifestyle I've grown so fond of.
    So starting now, I'll be accepting donations any and all advice / tips / strategies on how to increase my Networth. 

    It would really mean a lot, 
    after all these months,
    I'm still kinda a total newb.

    Thanks for reading!

  2. When I first joined the server, there was this feature, that broadcasted the longest distance kill with a weapon. I thought this was hilarious and funny and really miss seeing it pop up. But, I feel like that's a feature that could be expanded on just a little bit. Like, include with it a feature that keeps a zombo/enemyNPC/animal kill count. Maybe small prizes for people who have reached certain murder milestones. Like, maybe 100 zombos = tombstone or something. Something fitting / funny to add to your home as sort of a badge of honor. I don't know. I feel like it would add a little bit of friendly competition and reason to actively seek out and hunt things together. 

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  3. I'd like to add a hopeful suggestion to the Christmas Radio Requests. And that's some Classic Christmas Songs.
    These are just the classics though, I haven't heard any modern Christmas Classics on either channel.

    Station Name: "Old-Fashioned Christmas" AccuRadio
    Station URL: https://www.accuradio.com/channel/4e38562a77d9e746360001ed  or 
    EZ Server and Region: [EU] RustEZ Scourge PvE | Zombie

    -OR- (Some internet radio websites don't connect well in game I've heard, both of these stations are wonderful for Classic Christmas music)

    Station Name: "Classic Christmas" RadioTunes
    Station URL: https://www.radiotunes.com/christmas
    EZ Server and Region: [EU] RustEZ Scourge PvE | Zombie

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