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Lord McGuffin

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Posts posted by Lord McGuffin

  1. Spikes you can see (or feel). Gets the msg across. A sign you might miss, cut down anyways.

    On this wipe in my "backyard" I put up 4 metal barricades around one of those enormous trees we sometimes get. And Galaxy Cake, after having the tree in front of her shop cut down (despite a polite sign!)  put up a prison cell and floor lights around the next one. Looks really nice too. Nobody's cutting that one down.

  2. Plus, it wouldn't be very hard to create. You put say 4 chests on 4 different beaches (along a path of course, not all over the island...) and you build a dock to start off of, and maybe a finish line somewhere. You tell players roughly where they are and where the finish line is (it's more of a race than a treasure hunt) and that's it; 1, 2, 3 go!


  3. @Death I myself am not suggesting something as drastic as getting rid of them entirely, sorry I wasn't specific about a solution. I think say a 50% drop in yield would be good. Still worth using them, especially if you want HQM for your build (not for selling it...). Players can still make scrap from them, just 50% slower. That would help the economy a great deal, as well as retention.

    And the difference is that before players had to wait their turn to use the quarries didn't they? That made things VERY different indeed. Maybe I'm not using the proper terminology, I figured "instanced" referred to the change you made 3-4 wipes ago that means we can now use them all at same time.

    Sulphur quarry yield should be dropped as well, players seem to be able to make all the bullets/rockets they need rather quickly... This also hurts the economy and retention (since they can do Oil/Cargo etc. quickly and often, so they get bored faster). 


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    NOTE : This about PURE, the economies and experiences are different on different servers. So if you play on Survival or Scourge, please don’t highjack this thread. You might have an opinion, you may disagree with me, but at the end of the day this is about US Pure players.  


    I think it’s time we took a long hard look at the state of the island as it stands now. We keep talking about map size, twig giants, wind turbines, search lights and so on, affecting performance and causing FPS drops. Yet somehow, we’re not tackling the actual root of the problem.

    After talking with multiple players this wipe, it seems obvious to me now that these issues mainly come from 2 things:

    1 -  HQM Quarry

    2 -  Horse poop farming still quite profitable (lesser problem though, maybe)

    It’s been 3 wipes now (I think) since the appearance of the “instanced” quarries. I’ve been here “full time” since July and it’s seems pretty clear that all these issues we keep talking about became much more prevalent since the instanced quarries were implemented. It’s simple really, players can get rich within a few days at start of wipe by simply selling HQM to Bandit. The ones I’ve spoken too don’t even know what to do with all their scrap after just one week into wipe. I myself don’t sell to bandit, but I’ve constructed a huge base and 3 huge Karen towers in just a week, all fully armored… (and I’m not even VIP). It really shouldn’t be that easy.

    And as far as the horse dung farming goes, even though the amount was taken down drastically we still see these huge buildings on rivers that only serve to house 20, 30, 40 horses… So there’s obviously huge profits there. The “poop farmers” I’ve spoken to don’t even know what to do with all their earnings, not even two weeks in.


    This of course means there are consequences, here they are:

    1. The Land of Giants

    As mentioned already, the most obvious impact is large bases, structures and of course more performance reducing items. Search lights, for example, are never a priority, but when you’ve got more scrap than you know what to do with, well… You know the drill. Same goes for wind turbines, building size, etc., etc. And for those who think generators or a power grid would be a solution, it’s not. All that would do is replace wind turbines with everything else; more search lights, more neons, even more scrap and resources in your pocket to build bigger.


    2. The Land of Abundance

    Doing something nice for someone else is, well, “nice” right? Unfortunately, on our little island world, generosity can truly be harmful. When a player has too much scrap, in a nice community like ours, they tend to either give things away or sell at a very low price. However, this growing pattern has some serious repercussions:

    A)  People who like to trade, whether as merchants or farmers, now have to sell at much lower prices. So less profits, more losses, and less reason/motivation to fill up vendies, or even less motivation to maintain or start a store (or even moving on to another server where they can play this style).

    B)  When you give a new or “poor” player something “big”, like say an M2 or a mini, they might be thrilled about it right? And you feel good for doing something nice for them. Here’s the issue though: without realizing it, either you or them, you’ve just completed one of their main objectives for them (or maybe even their only “end-game” objective). So there it is, it’s done. They got their big shiny thing they were driving towards and didn’t even have to work for it. They didn’t earn it and they didn’t learn anything along the way either. Does that sound like a satisfying gaming experience? Maybe for a few, but for most I would expect it’s not.

    C)  I’ll keep this point short and sweet: price drops. People are selling things cheap which obviously affects points A) and B).


     3. The Land of Dreams Come True

    It’s a simple one. With all this wealth, all those resources, instead of being able to build ONE of your big ideas in the wipe, you’re able to build 2, 3, 4 of them (whether separate or combined in one big base). After a few wipes, you start to run out of inspiration, imagination running dry. So you move on. I know I’m starting to feel that way…


    In the End

    Ok, so this might read a bit “dramatic”, like I’m writing a serious essay or letter to the editor and  our very future is at stake. Well no. This is still just a game. And yes, we are passionate about it, I’m passionate about it, but it’s a game. Still, if I was gonna share my thoughts about this, I wanted to do it right and take the time needed to clearly (and extensively) articulate my points to ensure they came across correctly and weren’t misinterpreted. If you’re going to “debate” me on this, please extend me the same curtesy. And again, I’m not talking about Survival or Scourge, I have no idea how things are going over there.

    At the end of the day, I just think US Pure has gotten a little bit “depressing”. And if making adjustments to bolster the economy helps just adding a few days of player retention, well that’s a win in my book!

    Thank you for reading.

    ryan reynolds deadpool GIF

    • Like 5
  5. You're both right, but again :



    If there's no recyclers, then the little s**t bags will have to find one and therefore won't be able to take everything.

    It would be a minor inconvenience to ensure that theft is curbed and donations continue.



  6. Suggestion :

    Do not put recyclers at The REC. I just donated a bunch of guns and booms an hour ago, the boxes were full, now they've been completely emptied. Other players have told me they don't donate anymore because this always happens.

    If there's no recyclers, then the little s**t bags will have to find one and therefore won't be able to take everything.

    It would be a minor inconvenience to ensure that theft is curbed and donations continue.


    • Like 1
  7. I could make a quick video tutorial about the basics of blockers, switches and solar panels. Mentioning how wind turbines are necessary most of the time and how excessive use of these and search lights can cause performance issues. I'd keep it as short as possible.

    I've often done these at work for almost 14 years now, for various purposes. All I'd need is the EZ logo in it's original format (.ai, .eps, .psd).

    • Like 2
  8. Can't speak for Survival or Scourge, you guys have a lot of added stuff going on it would seem. But on Pure servers I'd hate to see a build limit imposed. It would be a hindrance to creativity, which has gone down somewhat in the past few months btw (since September's Wild West theme we haven't seen the same level of creativity, lots more "big but iffy" builds that aren't exactly pretty or fun, and a lesser offer in vendies as far as decorative items and whatnot (excluding Xmas items this month of course)).

    Deterrents like twig decay or added cost for things like wind turbines and search lights, if possible to do, would be a good way to curb some of the "bad" building habits we're all talking about. Twig decay after 5 days for example (making sure players are made well aware of this as they join), and increasing the amount (doubling it imo) of resources required for the "problematic" items would most likely be enough to make the difference we need. Also would a horse limit help? As things are now on Pure, I can't really see how a "poop farm" can be worth it. But with a horse limit of say 10 per player, I dunno, then the practice would not even be viable.

    If at all possible to do...  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    - Mayor elect Sir Lord McGuffin


  9. I say keep it the same, but if we could try and bring roadside scientists back that would be great... Not enough animals before, a little bit too many now, no scientists.

    It feels wrong without them, it really does.



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  10. HOLY CRAP! Under 50 secs... nYyyyyce!

    Well, you're not on Pure and that's fine, but since I've already built a Q-Bert monument last month good Sir, consider yourself "bowed to" :

    Still, if you want your sword and all, I'll make myself available  😛

    were not worthy waynes world GIF

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