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Lord McGuffin

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Everything posted by Lord McGuffin

  1. US Pure S8 "Oldin' Days Town" (An old West town converted for tourism) I had more I wanted to do, but the last few days just flew by (Video might be a little choppy, I sped it up 150% - 250% in most places so it wouldn't be too long)
  2. It's not an old screenshot, in fact it's a brand new one, but it's a masterpiece. This "oeuvre" is titled : @Cayiatells a guy "I ain't launching my car down that thing!" I'll start the bidding at 6,000$.
  3. I know this is a place to have fun and all, but this being Climate Week, I wanted to share this video from Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell. If you're not familiar with Kurzgesagt, they make these incredibly informative, beautifully animated videos about space, our world, biology, etc. I highly recommend their latest video about black holes "The Largest Black Hole in the Universe - Size Comparison". They tell it like it is, so it can be a bit of a downer sometimes. But like I often say (to my doctor among others): "I'd rather be informed and depressed, than ignorant and happy".
  4. Sorry I couldn't help with the prison photo op @MorganaRaven, I was too busy promoting my own town... Watcha gonna do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I tease, I kid. Your build is amazing, I've been there it's great!
  5. A throwing range, what a good idea! Nice one!
  6. BTW @Aurora, I was only kidding / teasing the competition
  7. You know, after being "kidnapped" in a scrap heli by @Flea and @Meeyo yesterday, and taken South West on Pure to where most of the Old West is happening, two things : I saw how @MorganaRaven is "cheating" for her build I was given a grand tour of @Meeyo & company's team build Which brings me to the inevitable conclusion that there should be a prize for SOLO BUILD! #allbymyself #nofriends #sosad #
  8. Ok well, since I'm not gonna get anywhere shooting wolves, I'm gonna submit this for a new category "Most bears killed in smallest radius" :
  9. I understood what you meant by "potato players", but I still Googled it I'm not up to speed on my gaming lingo I guess, hehe. And yeah, this my PC form work, here in my dining room for 18 months now... At least I'm kind of lucky, since I need something decent to run multiple Adobe CC apps at the same time. An i7 and 16G DDR4 is good, but it's the NVIDIA "Not a gaming" card, not so great...
  10. 132m... Yeah I'm starting to realize my gfx kinda disqualify me from this contest I don't think I can even see a wolf that far, hehe EDIT : Yeah ok, maybe I can see a bear that far at least :
  11. So what's the "secret" ingredient in your sauce? What's the thing that makes it stand out?
  12. Howdy partners! I'm going all out as well, like Mister. Hadn't planned to but... here we are Mine's more of an old west tourist attraction, like a converted old town. I'm not done just yet! Here's a teaser for the Church :
  13. Wow @Mister Dobalina that looks awesome! I may just have to pop into US Scourge as a naked and hightail it to AA24 so I can see it for myself. (I did my church steeple the same way!)
  14. Played this morning and everything was fine. Not using any cheats, duh. Didn't "add" anything to the game or modify anything. Any idea what happened? Do I have to do anything, take steps to ensure this doesn't happen again? Thx!
  15. It's a tough one... I mean I've built a barn and a church, still adding to them. But, without benches you have to use plastic chairs, which don't exactly scream "Ye Old West". Nothing much to make a bar or stools for a saloon. You can't use the wood shutters on a door, that would have made for a nice saloon door Hmm, tough, tough, tough... I'll keep experimenting! ... I mean
  16. Wait, shouldn't that be "Aliens exist, so nothing strange there."?
  17. Ok, Angie, Granny, Aurora, I see you "liked" the screenshot. But, did you notice anything? Kinda feels like you didn't
  18. I'm not into the habit of taking screenshots, but I saw this beautiful sunrise as I was coming back from farming stone yesterday :
  19. I wish there were more to tell, unfortunately they vanished in their mysterious vehicle as quickly as they appeared... I didn't even have time to think of getting my phone to take a picture Btw, I'm told they prefer being referred to as "Barrel people" and not "Barrellers" (which is derogatory apparently in the barrel community). I hope to see them again someday, and when that day comes hopefully they'll bring loads of high quality metal this time.
  20. Amen brother! Pretty sure I would have stopped playing this game after a week if it were PVP only
  21. Thx Qbert, But HOW do you get there?? Do I go into "Workshop", then select "In game", then the type of item I want, and then scroll through hundreds of pages of results? And then here, I picked one at random and I see no link to buy it: What am I missing here??
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