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Assless Chaps

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Everything posted by Assless Chaps

  1. This carnival is amazing and lots of fun! Anyone who likes a well made, challenging parkour course should come check that out, Alexa really outdid herself! It took me a long time and a lot of medsticks, but it's very satisfying to complete!
  2. IGN: AsslessOnChristmas / Assless Chaps Server: US Scourge Grid: N6 The coziest place to hoard wrapping paper and eokas!
  3. I was sitting in my base, staring at my Christmas tree, and I realized that each part of the challenge is based off the decorations for the tree! This challenge was super fun, and everyone should give it a shot! It helps if you bring a friend
  4. Nominee's IGN: silver196543 Your IGN: Assless Chaps Server & Region: US Scourge Silver was the first person who came to my mind when I started to think of an awesome player. As anyone who plays on a server with him knows, he is very kind and generous to everyone. I constantly see him saying nice things and helping people out, giving them whatever items they may be looking for. I think his generosity also inspires other players to pay it forward as well, and that has a great positive impact on everyone in the server! He is without a doubt an awesome player.
  5. Just realized recently that there was an introduction section, but better late than never! I go by the name Assless Chaps on Steam, and Jasoon just about everywhere else. I found this community through playing on US Scourge and have been hooked ever since! I recently got back into Rust after finally getting bored of playing Runescape for many years. With over 4200 hours on one account, it's bound to happen! As for IRL stuff, I recently graduated with my BS in Electrical Engineering and am currently looking for a job in my field. Now, I'm sure you're all wondering how I got the name Assless Chaps. It was way back in the day, when I was in middle school and would always be playing Team Fortress 2 with the boys. One night in the server we played on, everyone started changing their names to various funny things, and one person made their name Assless Chaps. 13 year old me thought that was the funniest thing ever, so I changed my name to that too. Now, about 11 years later, I still use it! The name always seems to amuse people, so I see no reason to change it! This is a great community with some awesome servers, and I'm glad I ended up here!
  6. I second this! Some of the zombie cosmetics are pretty cool, so it'd be awesome if those were obtainable either as items or by using /skin on clothing. Personally, I'm a big fan of this glowing red bandana skin pictured below.
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