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Everything posted by chugalug

  1. Awesome dude, looking forward to what you come up with next
  2. I just double check where I'm aiming is dead center of the screen. Have lost a few walls in the past from haphazardly whacking stuff
  3. I slice up every zombie and animal and compost all the bones for a nice haul of fertiliser. I only use 6 to 8 planters though just for personal use for making teas
  4. Why do you need 40 million networth? I've bounced around 250k to 300k for the last year or two and have no need for more.
  5. Anyone else having the issue of a full lockup on asset loading? Seems a few on the Rust steam discussions are and no one has an answer. Happened twice the other day and the third time loading I got in. Today however I've had to restart my PC ten or more times. Wasted three hours trying to see if it would get past assest loading. Not sure how many resourses are in my TC but at this rate I'll loose my base from not been able to get in or the seven day purge. Getting fustrated!!
  6. I found two on wipe day at the same garage. I found heaps last wipe in launch site as well. Keep an eye out on player shops for any being sold. I'll be selling them as I find them.
  7. Stacked heads in your inventory become blanked out and cant be used. Is this a server issue or a facepunch issue?
  8. Chugalug T2 Hunting Shack in the woods
  9. Do you follow Hedge? https://www.twitch.tv/hedgesn https://discord.gg/pJxQNkUj He's a fellow skin investor and we have a lot of the skin creators joining the stream. Theres also a skin making discord where all the creators discuss their work https://discord.gg/TAMD5YTN
  10. chugalug - AU Scourge Abandoned Workshop M13 (behind Chugs Minimart)
  11. I got sick of all the image sites. I use my own domain to link mine now on a server I rent.
  12. I've used that site a few times and it's good. Using Visio is a bit harder due to all the fiddly changes you have to make while connecting stuff. I still use it though as I'm oldschool and like having stuff on my PC I can easily stop and start when I want.
  13. I was working out industrial setups the other day and finally got round to setting up all parts in Microsoft Visio as shapes. As far as I can find, no one else has made Rust shapes for Visio. May not be useful to many but thought I'd share anyway. If anyone knows others who might like them that are on other sites like reddit for example, feel free to share. You will need MS Visio 2019 or later. Unzip and place into Documents/My Shapes Visio Rust Shapes.zip
  14. There was a way to get them a long time ago but seem facepunch made changes to how they are saved. I tried monitoring the rust directory and user folder for changes while I saved a picture but did not see any changes.
  15. Then we need a Xmas tab too, hehe... I spend most of a wipe trying to get all the ornaments if (and its a big if) I get to buy a tree
  16. Ahh, I see. I'll change next time I log in. Hoping the powerline bug will be fixed soon though as it's causing a huge amount of lag. Does not help my main base is built along a road so logging in is lag hell
  17. I have bound my backback to a key and go in and out of it all the time while shopping the road with a pumpy. After a while all I see is a wall of messages regarding the new /b bind. Is there a possibility to have it display for a user for a set period of time only?
  18. I vote for this as well. So many times I have hit esc to close BM
  19. Bring back the blue scientists we all love to hate!
  20. they most likely are there for players who will be back to build. Not everyone can be online 24/7 so they find a spot they like, dump a TC and come back later. If theres no sign of them returning then an admin could remove. If its TC spamming then they will get dealt with. Remember not to block water ways and when building bridges test with a boat to see if the brigde doe not block it
  21. I do not understand these players with a goal of getting millions of networth and do nothing else. Since joining EZ I have not even hit 300k, My networth bounces all over the place due to TP's, respawns (thanks bradley) and the odd item from the store (christmas tree addiction problem, have to have a full set in at least one base) I farm up enough comps, sulfer and metal to replace what I use during wipe so by next wipe I know I'm ready to go. i have a little extra so I'm covered for a wipe where IRL gets in the way and don't have the time to farm. Lets me jump on, go for a roam, do some monuments and log off. You honestly don't need over 1M networth.
  22. The heavy scientists at launch are on steriods. You don't get a chance to see them due to the bushes and trees but they see you and destroy you
  23. I am surpised that EZ has not followed other pve servers and added building limits. Some servers have foundation limits and some also height from memory. Would be tricky deciding on the perfect limit and may drive some players away. Would help with server performance in the long run though.
  24. I have seen on many videos recently that the wheel has been doing weird stuff like being on a number but not winning on that number. Maybe its a wider issue than just RustEZ. Saying the wheel is rigged is the most said thing in rust on any server.
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