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Posts posted by Kazurax

  1. Hi Dave, welcome to RustEZ. I'm usually into pvp, but this is a great community, I came here looking to get updated on new Rust stuff without having to worry about raiding, and the server with the people I've met made me a regular here. I'm glad to hear you seem to agree with why I started this thread. I'll admit, I've been into the build/horror/survival thing for a while, but that's what I'd like to see regardless. I hope you stick around, I have faith that Death will deliver what players like us want to see  🙂

  2. I can understand how changes to a familiar server may put people off, so what about making a new server, a real hell server? Clone a scourge server and start editing that. I know the staff are really busy right now, but what about the idea itself? A server that has a real challenge to it for players looking for that. I know I'm not the only one.

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  3. I think teleporting and reviving are great, but the costs should be much, much higher, and have cd's. Having all equipment take a durability hit would be a nice deterrent as well.


    Marija, that pic speaks volumes, seen that same conversation many times. And that player logs off and never comes back due to a perceived poor experience. I would not want to alienate some players, but I originally thought that players looking for an easy experience were encouraged to use the pure servers. The definition of scourge is to induce suffering after all.

  4. Hello all,


    I play on EU Scourge. I know things are a bit hectic with the staff right now, but I wanted to make this post to see how my fellow players feel about some ideas I have to make the server feel more like a more dangerous place and not so mundane.

    1) Using Botspawn (or a plugin that does the same thing) Botspawn lets you place scientists or murderers around monuments. It gives a large amount of control over them, like weapon accuracy, damage, health, behavior (you can have them patrol, remain stationary, or roam freely), their loot tables as well. Being able to afk in a monument seems a little silly. I was thinking having them drop barely anything, so they aren't farmable to keep the economy in check, and to have their accuracy low, to be new player friendly. Maybe have the smaller monuments have npc's that are weaker, and drop items that are new player friendly, like the revolver or the compound bow and ammo for these, wood armor, etc. They can also be on a timer, just to make players be aware and on their toes.


    2) Having Halloween mode permanently. The spooky models for the collectable resources and the sounds at night seem to fit a scourge pve experience rather well. I also like seeing the creepy npcs like the scarecrow. The candy event doesn't need to be on, but I think having Frank enabled would be fun.


    3) Making night more meaningful. It's pretty short as it is. Maybe have the hostile npc's being stronger/faster at night, and maybe having a slightly better loot table. Also increased level xp for night


    4) Bring back death tracker scoreboard. A great way to add more to the server is more gamification, and the scoreboard will be used a lot to hit those records, keeping players online for the entire month.


    5) Roaming zombie hordes. I don't remember if it was here or another server, but these packs would actually move around the map and group agro on players. Great way to keep the players frosty.


    6) More zombies in general. The amount of zombies randomly around seems less than when I last played, some time ago. More would be more ideal to the scourge theme.


    These are just a few ideas I have to spice things up, as the challenge bar is fairly low for the type of server it is. I would love to hear back from everyone on how you all feel about these propositions, or if you have any of your own.


    Thank you for reading my post!


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