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Killer Queen

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Posts posted by Killer Queen

  1. Thank you for the reply - I will definitely check that out. 

    It's the weirdest thing. I can make any edits to the base including "drawing" wires but I can't "add" to an existing electric system that my partner has made unless I "remove" the wire he made and "add" my own. Essentially, he had placed a long line of industrial lights that I wanted to add a few more to when he was offline. I was able to place the lights. I could attach a wire to the end of mine but I couldn't attach it to his unless I re-added the wire to all of them. 

    I wound up just waiting for him  to log in and fix it haha xD

  2. Hi there, 

    I'm pretty new to Rust and was wondering if anyone might be able to tell me if there's a way for me edit the lighting that a friend set up in a base we share. I can link small industrial lights that I've added to our existing electric system, but, only if I re-draw all the wires. I can't connect mine to his. 

    Is there a more efficient way to do this?

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