What I've been trying to tell you all this time is that the "base" I called one of the helicopters was fine with it, No griefing is done there, the player owning the base was fine.
And for the other rules of the server such as no mic or chat spam, I've had multiple people on the server tell me to NOT leave the server and that they enjoyed my company in the server, so I would think I was respected on the server and people were happy for me to be there until of course, the event happened on the server.
Again, I may have overreacted at that time, but I did not use any slurs or such words to a staff member.
As for the offense, it is really unfair for it to be counted as a serious offense and anything small that could happen in the future would result in a ban, which isn't fair to me and puts that fear in you, I can't really describe it, English isn't my first language, nor my second.
I will leave this as evidence in case anything silly might happen in the future that the permanent ban provided isn't correct as no griefing was done other than calling a helicopter on myself and my friend, I've even asked them earlier today just to be sure and they said they didn't care about it.
Put yourself in my shoes and call yourself and your buddy a heli, and ask yourself if that's griefing.