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Everything posted by REAL COP

  1. i was in my base when i logged out. when i started back i was in the snow a ways from my base. how could this happen? anyways i would like all my stuff back. m249, l-96, salvaged hammer, 1000 LGF, chainsaw
  2. And Merry Christmas to you and all your staff and all the rustez players out there. appreciate everyone's effort for an awesome community!
  3. Christmas Build US Pure location: M22 username Just A Cook This build is unique with Christmas/Snow related hand painted signs, some neon signs, a Santa shop, a pool, and has a wooden cross. some pics:
  4. nice! looking forward to this!
  5. much appreciated
  6. i threw maybe 15 drops and still havent got one this wipe. usually i have 3. i keep one and sell 2
  7. ok thanks for the info
  8. i have thrown numerous drops this wipe and no mining quarry. was it taken out of the loot list? and i havent seen very many on the server this wipe. so how to we get the mining quarry?
  9. would be nice not to have to wall these. it takes resources and adds dead space to the build due to the wide block on placing building pieces. and it decreases frame rates due to all the extra building. a lock would be more appropriate. also its never secure even with a wall. someone can land with a copter and take all the stuff in it.
  10. coolman looks lectrifrying
  11. i vote for 48 hours of health. gives people ample time
  12. heck ya all for it! BG!
  13. i seen bigger!
  14. Oh great a gift! and such a good hiding spot tribrats looking forward to that pickle event should be a laugh and some puking. maybe a bunch of puking hehe
  15. i entered the event and was kicked out of rust somehow. actually happened twice on your server yesterday. anyways was interested in knowing where the admin was?
  16. ok thanks made a ticket
  17. about a year ago or so i was given the option of a recycler or a pumpjack when i purchased VIP. i was given and i did use the 5 dollar credit for the pumpjack. i asked an admin to place it this past wipe and was denied. i dont understand. has your policy changed? and how does the pumpjack purchase work? i think if you sold me a pumpjack for lifetime i should have a pumpjack for lifetime.
  18. names shouldn't include profanity or something related to something bad or sexual preference such as their love for being gay. those kind of people are only looking for trouble anyways. they should have an auto kick for that nonsense
  19. sounds toxic. maybe you should consider pvp server and have your fun all the time. why do you play pve?
  20. hopefully will end in a tie then have both creative building and zombie purge
  21. agree with you 100% toxic is the word. i've seen lots of bad behavior due to the pvp on multiple servers. new comers get picked on. many target nakeds. it all leads to more bad. its all about dominance. i look at the pvp event (if it wins in the poll) as the grand finale for the wipe. so i'm preparing. i worked hard to fortify my base and ill be there. i kinda feel sorry for those that try to raid me. i have multiple traps and many doors. plus i dumped all my chests days ago. a raider will need ill estimate 15+ c4 and some experience. i wouldn't want to do all that grind. i didnt make any c4. i'm all defensive on this guarding my base. something i worked for. even if its just a few hours your preparing for what is to come. its called survival. it's a survival game. its a challenge and im ready.
  22. i hate pvp even for an event. the zombies are ok or any npc though. i started fortifying my base a week ago and have been thinking it all defeats the purpose of pve. there was rumor back then this would happen. i think an arena can be made for pvp and raiding. for the purposes of fun i think the following would work for everyone provided in a kit: public heli tower with a kit for gear bradley fighting kit a design build off with a kit of free materials. winner gets 5 free drops start of new wipe. 2nd gets 3 drops. and maybe give all participants a free drop start of new wipe.
  23. not a fan of pvp even for a wipe event. makes for bad feelings sometimes between players. i think having 3 zones would be nice. that way can participate in the one you like or all 3. have a teleport to each event.
  24. REAL COP


    just purchased a pumpjack and would like it placed somewhere near the back of my base. L17. im located next to the trainyard. i have 2 vending machines labeled House of Bones if that helps. thanks
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