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Berserk Healer

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Everything posted by Berserk Healer

  1. There is also this thing with Click where he made false claims of people mass TC-ing many times on other wipes just to give them a warning, after I reported that person for blocking the island that player CAME TO ME and ASKED ME if I say those claims towards her or not (saying her mass TC-ing in each wipe), and I did not. All I said was she was mass TC-ing the island for a couple of days NOT many wipes, even with crystal clear evidence with her she still has to endure a warning after JUST JOINING the server because someone was on a power trip. So much for "Welcome players to our server" and being a "Decent human being"
  2. Nice server performance lately FPS are surely smoother but stuff can be better! Here's why! Feedback: Teammates can now loot other teammates' stuff, nothing wrong with that, but they can do it even with an extra code lock on it. Also, although teammates can loot your stuff from anything, they can't use the thing they can loot from, such as refiners, furnaces or BBQ. This encourages nothing but griefers to try and get into a team and loot everything from it then leave the team, I'm not saying it can't happen before I'm saying these changes only help griefers than promote team play. There are multiple ways to fix this, we either reverse the changes or give a custom UI for the team leader to choose whether their teammate can loot/use/build in the area of a single TC. The lack of roleplay in the server is painful, I always think roleplaying is an important staple of PVE servers, whenever everyone finished getting everything in the game, they never come back until the next wipe. This can be seen by how many empty shops are next to huge bases around the time of mid-wipe, and the amount only increases at late-wipe. This can also be fixed in multiple ways, you can apply roleplay rules in the server rules menu to increase the number of roleplayers in the server like FRP (Fail Roleplay or whatever) or you can give them a job list to choose from and they can gain net worth by doing something. For example, if you are a taxi driver, driving a car with a taxi slot with a passenger in it will increase your net worth by 5 in every mile you travel with the passenger. Suggestion: Here are some of my suggestions to make the server more fun! Add headlight for minicopter (for night flight purposes) Add zombie mini-boss at different monument (zombie with more health, better loot and armor) Add chainsaw and jackhammer into the list of level-affected bonus resource gain but doesn't gain EXP while using it Add auction house as a menu in /shop so people can sell their items through players and gain/use net worth (complaints from old-player that they have too much net worth) Add Pet for rich players so they can spend more money on the server Add different types of zombies: Tank (more hp but slow), Feral (Speedy BOI), Doorknocker (come to your house at night and knock on your door) .etc Add back chicken so I can sell chicken nuggies
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