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Posts posted by BoboTheMonkey

  1. I'm not entirely sure if this has already been suggested but I think it would be nice to have auto repair added. Say you have a decently large heli base and don't want to manually repair it everytime. You put the necessary resources into the tc and click a button that says "auto repair". It could possibly help those builds that were there before a player who placed a heli tower 3 inches away from their base.

  2. I said I didn't confirm him using that as evidence, I didn't say anything about everything else being right or wrong. He has confronted me about you destroying the sleeping bag, which I will say was true. You destroyed it without my permission. What you are doing, as of right now, is digging yourself a deeper hole. When I said "Kass no!" there was a reason for it but I don't remember what it was. Whatever it was wasn't good, I can tell you that much. Just let it go and try not to be toxic towards admins doing their work.

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