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Ugandan Warrior

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Everything posted by Ugandan Warrior

  1. Is it considered PvP if no one can counter. It is just like the garrison and to not let loot go to waste.
  2. Title explains most of it. When people aren't on for 5 days, make it so their base is not protected anymore and show up on the map letting people raid the base instead of the server removing the base and all the loot going to waste.
  3. Also if you shoot in like 10 times while both rotors are on fire it will start spiraling like it is going to crash but it will become stable and start flying around again.
  4. When fighting your own called in attack heli. If one rotor is on fire and another player not on your team destroys the other rotor. You will have to put an extra 500 bullets in the heli just to take it down.
  5. Honestly rocket launchers would be cool to.
  6. Yea I had some kid shoot my heli a couple times with a shotgun at 50m claiming he did alot of damage. He just jacked a crate and left claiming about how much damage he did with 3 shotgun shots.
  7. Back then a new custom airdrop loot table was added to RustEZ to fix the crap loot of the airdrops. But now the new airdrop loot tables overshadow the ones currently on RustEZ. It would be nice if the RustEZ drops could go to the regular rust airdrops or atleast more added loot.
  8. I know. I should've mentioned if it comes to main game it could be an event.
  9. Make an arena and spawn cars. Spawn a ball using the spawn ball.entity command. Use the cars and bumb the ball into the opposing teams goal.
  10. Currently there is only one option to Pump Jacks and Mining Quarries that allows you to share container but it shares with everyone. It would be nice to allow only members of your team to cut down on people stealing your stuff if you are not using pipes.
  11. Title says it all. I feel it makes sense that a tougher enemy should give more money for killing it.
  12. Checking items is fine. I was also considering the remote too easy. Always subject to change.
  13. I have seen a plugin like this on YouTube. It spawns a Bradley outside your base and it moves around outside of it. I am thinking it works like npc. As long as it has navmesh to move around on it will be fine. The only problem I see is someone else’s base getting blasted possibly. The thing with heli is the rockets are shot straight down at your base where Bradley’s shell if it misses will go across the map until it hits something if shot at an even level.
  14. What about a plugin where when you place a vending machine, it gets added to a list just like when you add a sleeping bag and it is added to the GUI in /home. The name of the vending machine shows up in the list from what you named it. Then you can add and take items from it wherever you are.
  15. I've been playing a while on US Survival and have noticed that when killing scientists on excavator, and both oil rigs do not count as kills or give money while the scientists at military tunnels and cargo ship do count and give money. Was wondering if this was a bug or is on purpose.
  16. Requesting pumpjack
  17. Requesting pumpjack
  18. Requesting pumpjack whenever
  19. Name: Ugandan Warrior Banned because of PvP exploiting. I am appealing a ban for my current actions of PvP exploiting. I agree with the ban, it was the right thing to do and I was being rude and obnoxious doing this. I am truly sorry for my actions and would ask for a second chance. How can I ensure this wont happen again? I have made a lot of friends on this server and have supported it and would not want this to go to waste. If it were to happen in some other form of ban you could come back to this and I would be unable to be trusted again Thanks for looking this over. ~UW
  20. Requesting pumpjack
  21. requesting pumpjack when u have a chance
  22. All participating members receive a chinook and a gun to make the Heli target players using a chinook. An admin spawns in Helis to hunt down players while they try to escape from them. Last chinook standing wins (prizes picked by admin).
  23. Requesting my pumpjack when your available
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