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Posts posted by Wizol

  1. Hello, Good afternoon.

    What happens from March 4 onwards is totally true and I deeply regret it.
    I'm honest I stole 1 pumpjack with 3,000 crude oil, 1 full stone crate, 14k metal frags cooked
    about 600 to 800 scrap, also 40 cooked bear food, 3k gunpowder, 1 new red card and 500 cooked fuel, 40 thread
    and some components that I don't remember the quantity or which, they were varied but in small quantity.

    More than that, nothing, because I was going from quarry to hqm quarry and pumpjacks and egg events in airfield
    I had in my hands quite a lot of hqm and crude oil almost 2 boxes of hqm and 1 of crude oil
    fully farmed by me except for 3 thousand of crude oil that I stole.

    Why did I do it? It was an impulse of idiots and I regret it.
    To the team of that house, if you read this, I apologize and above all for ruining your gaming experience with your friends
    I was a despicable player with you without any sense whatsoever.

    It is more than likely that the ban will not be revoked and I understand it.

    I broke into the rules of the game, I should have read them more seriously and not take it lightly.

    The good thing is that I speak the truth and I admit it.

    I had just bought a pumpjack this morning.

    I don't see how to apply to something like this because there isn't a way to fill out a ban appeal either.

    Regarding the campear launch thing, what I do now is simply wait for someone to speak through the chat saying
    hey brad showed up (curiously nowadays it's always the same 2-3 people).



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