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Lord Yeoldemort

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Everything posted by Lord Yeoldemort

  1. The player who owns the base has logged on twice daily since wipe, Just because they are not at that location does not mean they are not online or do not want their base. The server purges unwanted bases after 7 days to maintain a clean map. Players are not allowed under any circumstances to remove other players items. You did this to the players farm and did it in 2 session in which you then used their items on your base and placed the rest in a personal locked box. You were not willing to return the items before the admin arrived as you were using said items in your base. Why remove items just to return them? The ban will not be lifted at this time. We hope when the 2 months is up you will of had time to read the rules and make sure you are ready to follow them.
  2. Join us in EU Survival for The RustEZ National horse race. November 19th 8pm GMT!! Design your Jockey outfit and choose your horse (all well fed) then compete against everyone else on our custom built race course. First 3 placed racers will win RustEZ store credit. Hope to see you there!!
  3. J3/I3 River is totally unclaimed.
  4. Ok so you don't seem to understand. 1, The knowledgable Admins conducted the investigation into this issue for you. No proof of further griefing was found therefore no punishment will be handed out (punishments would follow server protocol, not player suggestions). There is no evidence the player in question did destroy your base nor in a PVE server is this possible without leaving a trace. 2, Admins dealt with the initial issue of the TC, The floor spike were not dealt with as all that happened when the admin attended was you passed them floor spikes. There was again no proof of griefing in this and as you had the floor spikes in your possession no "owner" of placed entity could be defined by admins. 3, As far as can be seen no rules of Rustez have been broken as you suggest they have been so no editing of rules is required. I have no issues understanding the aspects of the complaint and the original complaint you made in server. As said in my previous reply, If you wish to continue playing on the server, I recommend building at a different location on the map considering your existing issues with your neighbour. Retaliation to an unproven accusation is not wise and may cause issue with your good standing within the community as per server protocols. Thanks and have a Rusty day!
  5. Hi Chinaski, Unfortunately at this time we do not have sufficient evidence to action a punishment for this situation or be able to see exactly what caused your loss. No admins have removed your base as that does not follow the set out protocols of admining the server and there is no proof that your neighbour had a hand in it vanishing. If you have any evidence available to prove that you correctly secured the location, we'd be happy to review it. If you wish to continue playing on the server, I recommend building at a different location on the map considering your existing issues with your neighbour. Just as an FYI you were the 12th person to join the server. Kind regards
  6. So did an admin remove your base or the player?
  7. Hello, The EU Survival team have received this complaint. Please be patient whilst we look into exactly what has happened. We will contact you if we need any extra information to aid our investigation. Thanks
  8. Through flames, Carnage and twisted metal a Champion shall emerge above all their foes to claim their place as Demolition Derby Champion. 20th August 7pm BST on EU Survival. Are you that Champion? Top 3 people win a prize only one will be immortalised. (Contary to posters start time is 7pm BST to suit our populations online time) Vehicle parts will be provided. The will to bash your opponent into dust is within you! Rules! Only parts provided may be used to build your vehicle. All players will have 10 mins to build before start. All Server rules apply regarding respect to others. Campers in the arena will be shot! (30 seconds trigger). Winner will please stay for photo's that will be displayed at our community centre naming them as champion of the event until they defend their title. Store credit prizes: 1st - $10 2nd- $5 3rd- $5
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