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Vigilante monkey

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Everything posted by Vigilante monkey

  1. will there be any way for me to get an unban in the coming future or is it completely hopeless to keep trying?
  2. i see, thank you very much for reading my unban repeal. i understand why im not being unbanned. wish you the best : )
  3. so basically.. i was with my friend in our base. and i saw this note in a storage box. so me being me, i decided to express my opinion by writing the N-word. so, i put in the "word" and i get instantly banned . that was august of 2022, we are now in January 2023. I personally think i should get an unban because i am "less" racist then before, i try my best to not "express my opinion" to people because i know its wrong. i hope you get my message. and i hope you the best, (btw this is a true story). i hope i can get an unban because i want to play with my friend again : ) . Bye Bye
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