We apparently need more clarification of rules of server.. I looked and can't find it.
However, this stems from another player stealing loot from a Bradley he didn't kill today.
Then resorts to calling others many names cause he was called out on it.
As i understand, looting something you didn't kill like Brad/Heli/Chinook is considered griefing.
Sad part is I would've given him loot after I looked at it, as I've done MANY times.
However, this person seems to think he has inherent rights cause A) He died to Brad B) Its a PVE server and the rule is to share loot C) the server motto is 'Don't be greedy'
Plus after I called him out on thieving in game chat, I am the "Dick" "Asshole" "Sweaty Preteen" and I forget what else.
However he fails to see any problem in his actions (of course).
I don't have issues w/ many ppl but a thief I will not stand for!
Please make rules known to avoid issues like this in future.